For what it’s worth
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For what it’s worth

Jun 05, 2024

By Jim Studer

Sports teams’ nicknames have always intrigued me. The Brooklyn Dodgers got their name from the fans who dodged the trolley cars to get to Ebbets Field. The New York KnickerBockers got their name from a character named Diedrich Knickerbocker created by Washington Irving. Knickerbocker was pictured wearing knee length pants. How sad that the New York basketball team dropped the original in favor of the Knicks. Anyway I’m a geography nut and I love words.

I think that Minnesota town team baseball nicknames should fit the name of the town. I often wonder why I don’t hear about the Argyle Sox or the Lyle Threads. How about a Zoo League Collection along with the Gibbon Apes and the Dodge Rams. These would be merged with the slippery Conger Eels, the stately Morgan Horses and the Fisher Kings. If you were around when Hector was one, you might recognize the Hector Pups. Perhaps, these teams need the sox and the thread.

When such a league becomes a fan draw, you might attend the games and be dying for some snacks. Find the Food and Drink League starting the day with the Kellogg’s Cornflakes. How about some Rice Krispies. Then there are the Rice Puddings or maybe you want something healthier go see the Waldorf Salads. Maybe a little of the Morton Salts will have you thirsty for the Cold Spring Waters or the Campbell Soups. If you are old enough, you might long for those long forgotten Stewart Sandwiches. Top these off with the Rose Creeks Hips. Of course the Food and Drink League would be led by the Cook Chefs. All the food and beverages would be served under the Crystal Chandeliers.

Are you ready for the All Things Considered League? Start in with the Elysian Fields and sit back and enjoy seeing the Morris Chairs, perhaps from the Groves City Copses. I think they all play on the field of the Pine Trees. If you look for one you may find Kensington Rune Stones which may be found in the Fertile Fields.

Does this make your blood run cold? Maybe you need to warm up. To do so follow the Surgeon General’s advice and avoid the Benson Hedges in favor of the Franklin Stoves. Be careful so you don’t stub your toes while running to catch a game between the Rockville Stones and the Marble Slabs. And if you like to climb, go see the Palisade Parks.

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